Thursday, February 28, 2013

What's up with that?

I was reading an article on Yahoo News about the Dee Why Grand Shopping Center. Apparently the mall has enacted a zero tolerance policy on screaming children. The irony of their new policy, it is in regards to the mall’s play area next to the food court. A notice was posted in the play area stating: “Stop. Parents please be considerate of the other customers using the food court. Screaming children will not be tolerated in the center.” I don’t know about the malls you frequent, but the ones I have been to, the food court is always the loudest place in the mall. Second, why put a CHILDREN’S play area in the mall and then complain that they are too loud. I have two children of my own. Children are loud, especially while playing. I understand not approving of children screaming for no apparent reason, or the fits they throw being not acceptable by other customers. But what do you expect from a child that is playing, to pretend they are in the Library?

This article got me thinking of other things in life that make me wonder “what’s up with that?” Why can I check yesterday’s weather on Why would I need to know what the weather was yesterday if I already experienced it? Why does it take five minutes to make one minute rice? Why not call it five minute rice? Is this false advertisement? Why is a pizza box square if the pizza is round? Why is there no dislike button on Facebook? Apparently you have to like everything or your opinion doesn’t matter. When you call someone’s cell phone why is there an option at the END of their message to press a button to go straight to voicemail or wait (usually 1 more second) to go to the voicemail? That message would be more useful at the BEGINNING of the message. Why is it called a free gift? Aren’t all gifts free? Why is it called a hot water heater? If it already is hot water, what are we heating? Shouldn’t it be referred to as a water heater? Why do they make lemon juice with artificial flavors but use real lemons in liquid dish soap? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Why are men’s buttons on a dress shirt on the right side but a women’s buttons on the left side? These are just a few things to ponder during your busy day. I know it seems like I have too much time to think of the ironic things in life that others don’t give a second thought to. So I will leave you with one last question…What the heck is a grape nut?

Nicole Emery, AIC, FCLA

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